Crowdstrike "The Future" - Tarsem Singh/ RadicalMedia

Script Supervisor/ Commercial

Campaña dirigida por el ganador de un Grammy, Tarsem Singh, y lanzado en la LVII Super Bowl.

El aclamado director de los exitosos anuncios de Pepsi y Nike de los '90, nos sumergió en un Western futurista donde ser su Script fue como ser parte de algo único. 


Campaign directed by the Grammy winner Tarsem Singh and launched at the LVII Super Bowl.

The aclaimmed director of the great Pepsi and Nike commersials of the 90s moved us to a futuristic Western where being his Scripty was like being part os something unique.


Ver versión Extendida / Watch Extended cut

Ver versión "Dust Storm" / Watch "Dust Storm" cut

Ver versión "Wild West Tamed" / Watch "Wild West Tamed" cut


Produce by  

Crodwstrike Redbird ( 

In colaboration with

RadicalMedia US (

Lime Santa Mónica ( )

Nice Shoes (

Zoic Studios (

.Service Company

Goodgate TV (


Directed by: Tarsem Singh

DOP: Brenden Galvin

1st AD: Pedro Outon

Script Supervisor: María Nieto

Production Designer: Ged Clarke

Stylist: Lola Villaescusa & Zelda Sellars

MUAH: Beatriz Millás

Creative Director: Doug Finelli & Xandi Ariss

Postproduction: Zoic Studios

Editing by: Union Editorial